Tell us a brief description about your business:
I help people put their own funeral/memorial plans in place, hopefully decades, before they are needed. My clients gain a real sense of peace and their loved ones have a path to walk on when they need it most.
How did you get into this business? As I’ve always been drawn to meaningful, deep, authentic conversations about hard stuff. Though I don’t have a background in social work or psychology, when I heard Feldman’s was looking for someone, I knew I was the right person for the job. I really created the preneed program and it’s become incredibly successful.
Why do you enjoy being involved with Creating Connections? Networking and making connections is my super power. I really enjoy helping people meet people they need to meet!
What's a secret talent you have that few people know about? I can bend my tongue into a clover shape.
What makes you passionate about what you do? My calling is helping people be less afraid of death. By helping them to provide their loved ones with a planned and funded funeral or memorial service, they create a path for bereavement, long before it's need. Truly, I help people live a better, more meaningful life.
What do you enjoy doing for fun? I am a movie junky! One of my very favorite things is sitting in the dark with a huge diet coke and buttered popcorn!
What is your favorite thing about Colorado? So many sunny days!!!
